What is crystallography?

Crystallography is a method used for determination of molecular structures of chemical compounds and macromolecules like protein, DNA, lipids and carbohydrates.

When a crystal (formed by an ordered arrangement of molecules) interacts with high-energy radiation, such as X-rays, the scattered radiation from within the crystals are photographed (on a detector). When a sufficient number of photographs are collected, they are used to create a high resolution three- dimensional structure of a molecule.

Conventional crystallography data is collected using single, big and fixed crystals and needs cryogenic/ cold environment.

Serial crystallography an advanced version of crystallography, where images are collected from thousands of randomly oriented micro- crystals that are continuously replaced from X-rays during data- collection.

Due to technical improvements in the method, serial crystallography allows structure determination from very tiny crystals and facilitates room-temperature experiments and studying reactions inside crystals.

Further, serial crystallography has made transition to synchrotron radiation facilities due to increased interest from researchers.

Who is benefitting from Serial X products?

Serial crystallography is evolving at a rapid rate. Advancement in technology demands for highly experienced researchers with specific skills and techniques. Further, lack of standardized devices for sample delivery limits researchers to conduct in-house preparatory experiments. Due to this, serial crystallography was conducted by only a few labs that have expertise could afford to purchase expensive devices. 

 Serial X’s products are designed to overcome these challenges. Serial X’s vision is to find ‘simple solutions to serial crystallography’. Serial X’s innovation will lower the barrier for researchers who are new to serial crystallography by making these devices simpler and economical and standard for routine experiments.

Along with these products, we aim to develop communication tools and protocols for preparation in the home-laboratory, allowing time-efficient use of synchrotron beamtimes.

When researchers spend less time in basic preparation for experiment, it would encourage them for new scientific discoveries.

Serial X’s products could find huge interest in pharmaceutical applications where molecular structures are integral part of drug-discovery studies. 


Serial Chrystallography in a nutshell

  • A method for macromolecular structure determination from multiple crystals.
  • Radiation- damage free structure ’Diffraction-before-destruction’
  • Structural dynamics studies made possible.